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The Conversations that Carry Us


Ces conversations qui nous soutiennent

Episode Release Spring and Fall 2023

A bilingual podcast about curatorial practice. Un balado bilingue sur le commissariat. 

Guests/invité.e.s: Mojeanne Behzadi, eunice bélidor, Pamela Edmonds, Dr. Andrea Fatona, Alyssa Fearon, Dominique Fontaine, Robin Fraser, Camille Larivée, Marsya Maharani & Petrina Ng, and Michaëlle Sergile.


Team/équipe: Marina Fathalla, Merray Gerges, Jacqueline Joachim, Katie Kotler, Leone McComas, Josiane Ménard.

This project is supported by the Canada Council for the Arts and the Centre for the Study of Black Canadian Diaspora.

Soundcloud Podcast

Apple Podcast 


I am very thankful for the opportunity to write about the artistic practice of not only a friend but a fantastic human through Mayworks’ Labour Arts Catalyst. Sonali Menezes created the zine Canada, Stop Arming Saudi Arabia in collaboration with Labour Against the Arms Trade and the Hamilton Coalition to Stop the War. Read the zine here and you can find my essay following this link Collective Dialogic Care with Sonali Menezes.

February 2023

I contributed a short essay, Connective Tissue, for the Feminist Photography Network for the online exhibition Identity, Connection and Place.

Feminist Photography Network is a shifting collective led by two co-directors based in Tkaronto (Toronto). Our projects emphasize support among artists rather than competition and aim to humanize the art process.

This exhibition showcases work by sixteen artists from Canada and the UK who participated in the online peer-to-peer residencies we ran in 2017, 2020, and 2021. 


Featured artists: Ida Arentoft, Raquel Diniz, Clea Christakos-Gee, Helen Jones
Hannah Laycock, Jennifer Long, Gina Lundy, Sarah Mangialardo, Margaret Mitchell, Flannery O’Kafka, Clare Samuel, Kate Schneider, Arpita Shah, Farihah Shah, Stacey Tyrell, Nilupa Yasmin.

November 2022

I am so honoured to receive the 2022 GOG Award Winners under the category Art Writing for my essay Moving Beyond Fantasies: The Art of Esmaa Mohamoud from the exhibition catalogue for the touring exhibition Esmaa Mohamoud: To Play in the Face of Certain Defeat, 2021, Museum London in partnership with the Art Gallery of Hamilton.

June 2022

An award is never won alone, it is always a result of continuous community support <3 <3 <3  I am deeply grateful for the nomination from François Boivin!

Thank you Canada Council for the Joan Yvonne Lowndes Award. The Joan Yvonne Lowndes Award is given to an independent critic or curator in recognition of the outstanding quality of their contribution and writing on contemporary Canadian visual and media arts.

Recorded on March 31st, 2022

Join us for a lively and informal conversation between FOFA Gallery Director Nicole Burisch and invited guests Franchesca Hebert-Spence, Shelley Ouellet, and Geneviève Wallen on how curators, artists and institutions practice hospitality. Together they will discuss strategies for welcoming people to a space, think about how to acknowledge and value the unseen and unglamourous administrative labour that goes on behind the scenes, and ponder how budgets and artist contracts and policy can exist alongside (or help create) warmth, welcome, silliness, fun, and community. Conversations in Contemporary Art (CiCA) is a free event series sponsored by Concordia University's Studio Arts MFA Program. The series provides a unique opportunity to hear artists, designers, critics, writers, educators, and curators share their practice(s) and perspectives.

Alternative Methods for Fostering Care

In conversation with Geneviève Wallen about Younger than Beyoncé’s Thinking of You care packages.

Compte-rendu de l'exposition Les yeux dans l'eau pour la revue Esse arts+ opinion rédigée par Joëlle Dubé. Publié le 9 mars 2022.

« Se voulant une méditation tant politique, formelle que spatiale, l'exposition Les yeux dans l'eau propose un large éventail d'oeuvres qui examine, de proche ou de loin, les nombreuses instanciations de l'eau. Dans leur ensemble, ces oeuvres nous proposent une manièere d'explorer nos liens de parenté avec l'eau.» 

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